To streamline the payment process for competition fees at Colin Valley Golf Club, we have implemented a BACS (Bank Transfer) payment option. Please follow the instructions below to ensure a smooth and efficient transaction:
Bank Details:
Account Name: Colin Valley Golf Club
Sort Code: 98-00-15
Account Number: 1 5 3 9 4 8 5 7
Reference Information:
When making the BACS transfer, it is crucial to include your name and the competition name as a reference (e.g. J Bloggs -Wed). This information is vital for accurately tracking and attributing your payment.
Competition Fees:
Ensure that you are aware of the specified competition fees:
Wednesday 9-hole Competition - £3.00
Saturday Competition - £5.00
All other competition fees will be communicated separately, and it is essential to pay the correct amount for the respective competition.
Transaction Confirmation:
After completing the BACS transfer, please retain the confirmation or transaction reference number. This will serve as your proof of payment in case of any discrepancies.
Payment Deadline:
All competition fees must be paid before the competition closes on HowDidIDo, Late payments may result in disqualification from the competition.
The club will regularly reconcile payments, but if you have concerns or encounter any issues, promptly contact the club's Treasurer for assistance.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Colin Valley Golf Club Committee