Wellshurst Newsletter July 2024
Course Update
Well, after the wettest winter on record it has been challenging to say the least to get the course back to a full 18 hole golf course. The encouraging thing over this wet winter was that the majority of the drainage proved invaluable and a well needed investment as it would seem that we were open for more days than most other clay based courses in the area. The investment will be continuing this year as it is still our goal to get the whole 18 holes completed with drainage as soon as we possibly can. Additional manpower have been recruited again to help Les and the team with this task. We are also continuing with the pathways on the remaining holes on the back nine too.
We recently had a bridge / dam collapse between the 15th green and 16th tee which we had contractors in to carry out the required repairs.
Of course with trying to achieve our goal above it does require a bit of balancing the time and efforts, as you will all know the grass has had perfect growing weather so far this year but we are trying our best to keep on top of it all.