Weston Plate Match
Gorleston away to Fynn Valley
On Saturday, 17 August, 2024, our Weston Team traveled to Fynn Valley to play the last of our five matches the Season.

The weather was very warm and sunny and all the matches were very hard fought. We knew, when we were promoted to Division 2, at the end of last Season that we would be faced with a difficult task this year. We have had many super games won and many that went to the 18th green, some of which were lost.

Fynn Valley’s Weston Plate team of ladies were very hospitable and the match was played in the best sporting spirit. Whilst several games went the distance the final score on the day was 4-1 to Fynn Valley.

Thank you to our team, in playing order, of Jules Harbord, Marie Norman, Leigh Denny, Ladies Captain, Pauline Phillips and Paula Ledger. Also thank you to all the other members of our Weston Squad who played their part this year. Playing singles match play, in handicap order format is a hard task and our girls have been exemplary.

Special thanks are also due to Jules Harbord who has Captained all the away matches and shared this role with me once again this Season.

Penny Platten,
Weston Organiser.