Ladies' Captain Day
Vera Woolnough, Heather Harvey, Louise Bernasconi win the day
On Wednesday 28th August a field of 27 played a fun 3 ball Texas Scramble in fabulous weather. The lunch afterwards was attended by 44, including past captains and 2 new ladies. The lounge and dining room were buzzing with much chatter and smiling faces, a fabulous atmosphere.

As usual there are many people to thank.

To the greenkeeping team for ensuring the course was stunning. To Colin and Martin for plying the ladies with treats and drinks at the halfway hut.

To the caterers who served us the most wonderful 2 course lunch. Not forgetting the bar staff too.

After the game we had 44 to lunch where we all enjoyed a wonderful 2 course lunch, thank you so much to the caterers and bar staff.

Thank you to Jan for doing the cards and results and to Jackie for the most beautiful flowers. Finally to Jane and John for their support.

Overall, it was a wonderful day with memories that will last forever.

The results were as follows -

1st with a net 57 were Vera Woolnough, Heather Harvey and Louise Bernasconi.

2nd with a net 59 were Kim Potter, Pauline Phillips and Gail Chapman.

3rd with a net 61 were Maggie Hart, Marie Norman and Linda Atkins.

Leigh Denny
Ladies Captain