Ladies Stearn
Ladies Stearn Team triumph to the final!
On Monday the Ladies Stearn team, Leigh, Vera, Pauline, Gail, Marie, Paula and reserve Jackie travelled to Fynn Valley to play their 36 hole semi final.

We had a tough side in Aldeburgh, but we took it on with same grit as previous matches.

After the morning matches, we finished 2-1 up so all was to play for. After a light lunch out we went again. We won 1 match and Aldeburgh won 2 which took us to a very exciting 3-3 which means a playoff. All 3 of our pairs had won a match so it was nice we all contributed.

It was decided that Vera and I should play the playoff as we had won our afternoon match.

I’m delighted and thrilled to say that after 37 holes with a fab chip and a great putt, we clinched the match…. many tears were shed.

Thank you to our team Captain Maureen for believing in us. To Captain Howard, Club President Howard, Ladies President Anne, Heather, Sue and caddies Jackie and Mark for coming down to support us. It meant the world to us.

I would like to thank Fynn Valley for hosting us and to the lovely Aldeburgh ladies for playing all the matches in the best sporting spirit.

We are very excited to be playing in the Stearn Final at Woodbridge on Sunday 6th October against Halesworth. It has been 11 years since we last did this, so it’s very exciting for our little section.

It would be fabulous if many of you could come down to support us on the day.

Leigh Denny
Ladies Captain