Seniors Open
Martin Simmonds Wins the Day
I consider this day as the pinnacle of my year as Seniors Captain.

This event has a tremendous following, with 56 visitors playing, many of whom return year after year, with 38 of our members who were lucky enough to get a tee slot making up the full field.

The day stated with a fine drizzle, but soon brightened up and all the visitors were very complimentary of our course. The day went nicely to plan, with a two tee start, refreshments at the half way hut and a superb rolling carvery at the end.

The overall winner was our own Martin Simmonds who was repeating a past win at this event, with a score of 41 points, beating “top visitor” William Stevenitt from Hintlesham on count back.

Martin (pictured) receiving the “Overall winner” trophy, a nice bottle of wine and a voucher and William receiving the “Best visitor” trophy, together with wine and a voucher.

There were further 1st & 2nd place winners for visitors and home players in all 3 age categories, and without naming them all, included Richard Moore from Sheringham who achieved a hole in one of the 4th.and John Plane from Caldecott who scored 35 points at the age of 92!

There were also 2 nearest the pin and a longest drive prizes, so in total we had 17 winners of bottles of wine and vouchers of various amounts. Vice-Captain, David Mills, who also played in the event, scoring 37 points and finishing 8th overall out of 94 who played on the day, kindly helped me with the prize giving logistics.

There are many acknowledgements to give for making the day a success and hopefully without missing anyone included:-

Jane & John in the office for dealing with all the bookings, reserve list and queries
John for inputting the scorecards, assisted by Martin Pestle & Keith Wright
Captain “H” for doing the “meet & greet” in the morning

Angus Smith & Martin Pestle for being starters on the 1st & 11th tees.

Mike Amos, who helped John prepare all the cards, but also completing the white board and masterminding who was in each age category and sorting the age category results.

My wife and Ladies Captain, Leigh for selling raffle tickets.

Our lady members, Vera Woolnough, Sue Smith & Jackie Walsh for again providing another fantastic half-way hut service, the bar staff and the catering team.

Last but by no means least, Danny and his team for presenting the course in superb condition and greens that received much praise.

Finally, whilst it might not be traditional to use this event for fund raising, can I thank all members that supported the raffle before and/or on the day. Members’ generous donations of bottles for the bottle draw meant it yielded £479 and the separate raffle of the Sheringham 4-ball voucher raised £1,080!! So those funds will hopefully mean our ambition to have an on course toilet installed this year are that much nearer to reality, and we really appreciate your support of this initiative.

Thanks everyone

Colin Denny, Seniors Captain