Milestone update for the “On-Course” toilet
Work starts for the "On-Course" toilet
It’s time to give you all an exciting update on this project.

As you know we have made good progress with fundraising, with many members having supported this initiative to make it feasible.

I am therefore hugely proud to let you know things have moved significantly forward this week and we have commenced the necessary groundworks!

The digger arrived today (Tuesday 10th September) and as it was starting to clear the area it seemed the perfect time for a presentation of £1,250 cheque from Andy McCann of Various Vapz.

Andy had promised this to me in February when I started my Captaincy and I’m thrilled, he is truly a man of his word. An extremely generous donation which gave me the confidence to “crack on” and get this project completed. Thank you Andy!

Just to explain, fundraising has been a rewarding experience from so many lovely members, but the work involved in progressing such a project was a completely new experience for me! I used an old Mark Everard contact at Anglo Scottish to source the unit, obtained input and a quote from Ovamill, but in the end relied on a friendship with Richard Bateman of Bateman Groundworks to make the project affordable, as it’s on the golf course for all golfers to use, sadly VAT was not reclaimable which added 20% to the overall costs.

I’m sure Ovamill would have done a superb job, but they were simply outside of our budget, whereas Richard very kindly agreed to supply a digger with men to clear the site and put down the base as phase 1 at a much more favourable price.

Although this had to all proceed with urgency while he had men and equipment available, needing an urgent decision whilst I was playing in a Ladies friendly at Rookery on Monday! But, after a few frantic hours seeking approval from the Management Committee, I was able to give the go ahead.

Whilst I feel we have enough funds, if you feel you still want to support the project, please still donate, as there maybe some extra costs when we connect the water and electricity, fit the digi-locks etc. and possibly even landscape the area to make it both a useful and attractive addition to our course for all members and visitors going forwards.

Leigh Denny
Ladies Captain 2024