1st Ian Aiston(17)/Colin Moon(9) 45pts £50 voucher each player
2nd Colin Maddison(8)/Karl Prentice(20) 44pts £35 voucher each player
3rd Sonny Gill(7)/Leigh Donneky(10) 43pts £20 voucher each player
Vouchers can be picked up from the office from Monday, well done everyone.
There were 17 Two's, each player receives £6.51 per 2 they were:-
Cliff Terris, Steve Hunter, Stuart Kennedy, Ray Parkinson X 2, Stuart Burton, Peter Henderson, Graeme Doneathy, Martin Woods, David Wharrier, Andrew Brewster, Kevin Jager, Steve Davenport, Gary Dowell, Colin Maddison, Joshua Chambers and Stan Fenwick.
There were 66 entries with 94% of all cards correctly completed,entered onto the system and submitted. Thank you.
There were 3 cards handed in but not entered into the system, Ken Hutchinson and Roy Douglas, the other 2 cards were due to computer problems.
There was one card not handed in or entered into the system, Tyler Callaghan/Christopher Callaghan
There were 5 cards with the bottom portion not torn off, please tear this off to assist us in closing the competition,
Thank You.
Handicap and Competitions Committee.