Last week was another odd one on the weather front, with WhatsApp called on twice - once for the water logging and once for the fog. Wonder how the faired at Royal Mud?
If you are not signed up for it put TRGC 07881 448008 in your contacts, then send us a message and we will add you.
Sunday roll-up
22 players took part in yesterday’s wet and breezy Sunday Roll-up. There were 2’s for Stephen Nabarro and Paul Moran. In 3rd place on countback with 38 points was Stephen Nabarro, with Paul Moran also on 38 taking 2nd place (both receive 1 shot roll-up handicap reduction). In 1st place with 40 points was James Bain - playing off 10!
Congrats James - two shot cut for your prize!
Winter knockout draw
The Winter Knockout Draw has been made and is up on the notice board in the TV room. It is also available on the CV1 app, in the knockouts section.
First Christmas Lunch
The first of our run of Christmas lunches took place this Sunday in the marquee and was a sell out event, much enjoyed by all. Superb food with a nice take on a tradition in the form of a Mince Pie Cheesecake as a desert option. A table raffle will be a regular fixture - four prizes with proceeds going to the Captain’s Charity
First prize of a hamper was won by Emilio Gardeta
On a somewhat sadder note, it was a last for Chloe Brown who has been a star behind the bar, and in front of it, for many years here at TRGC. Chloe leaves us to start her career in Midwifery.
I am sure you join us in wishing her all the very best, with huge thanks for her service with many smiles!
That’s All Folks…