That Was the Week that Was
Christmas countdown in full swing
Thursday 12th December

Nothing says Christmas is just around the corner like The Chairman, Bill Carey Evans, Yuletide Mug competition. We believe its origins lay in the opportunity for Members to clear any unspent bar card monies, before the year end. Looking at the Members in attendance most of those would have shifted their annual levy a couple of weeks post dry Jan!

A fun morning of golf (someone must have neglected to brief Les on that) followed by a jolly Christmas lunch and Carol singing in the front bar. The newsroom needed to leave early, as we had been seconded to cover Gregg Wallace at the Bake Off Christmas Party, but managed to get this clip as vocal cords warmed up - not too sure of the take on the tune?

Saturday 14th December

Saturday saw the Men’s December Stableford and Ladies Chicken Chase Stableford competitions

George Pascoe-Watson took the Men’s with a fine 42 just beating Matt Jordan on countback. These two were a full four shots clear of Nick Forster in third on 38.

Kelly Brown took the Chicken Chase with 35 points from Kirsty McDonald on 34. Helen Murray came in third on 31.

Sunday 15th December

There was no official report from the Sunday Roll-up, but the newsroom did catch-up with Jan Oliver and Dennis Culligan, post round by the small putting green, and were reliably informed that neither of they were in the running.

They did, however, point us in the direction of Chas Bain who has just confirmed his victory, via WhatsApp interview. No mention of points - so we are guessing 36ish?

So as the roll-uppers drifted away from The Club, the Christmas Lunchers drifted in for another fine festive lunch.

Thanks go to roving eye John Barron for the pics and to new temporary House Team member Raffi Russel for the raffle winning pic

Bit light on info on this one and with The Captain somewhere over East Asia, in a first-class Airline seat, at the time of going to press - we will have to leave that as another blank

Monday 16th December

The annual Stage Turkey Trot ran yesterday morning and was won by Honorary Stage Member and IPLC Enid Hughes.

Enid wins the Pitt-Rudlin Tantalus. It gets passed around after the lunch then she’ll have to refill it for next year. She’s promised Welsh whisky, brandy and port!

Thanks to JP and Mike Winsor for a fine selection of pics, including the cover shot.

Those Stage Members certainly know how to have fun!

That’s All Folks