The entries are now open for the following men's and mixed summer knockout competitions:
Men's Vicliff Trophy - Singles matchplay - White tees - Midweek play only - Max 28 handicap index
Men's Riseborough Trophy - Singles matchplay - Blue tees - Max 24 handicap index
Men's Seniors Trophy - Singles matchplay - Yellow tees - Max 30 handicap index
Men's Summer Fourball - Pairs Fourball Betterball matchplay - Blue tees - Max 24 handicap index
Annual Mixed Foursomes - Pairs mixed Foursomes matchplay - White/Red tees - Max combined handicap 50
You can sign up for these competitions, and view the full information about them, on the Club V1 app. Go to the menu and select the Knockouts button.
The entries for all of the above knockouts closes on 24th March.
There will be an auction for all pairs entering the men's Summer Fourball knockout competition. This will take place at the men's dinner on Friday 28th March, please add this date to your diaries. More information on this next week.
Sunday Carvery - Sunday 23rd February
Our next Sunday Carvery is taking place on Sunday 23rd February. Please contact the bar staff, if you would like to book a table.