Clarity on fees
Clarity on fees
Clarity on fees:
A number of new and (existing members) have asked that I clarify the fees at Bathgate.
I appreciate it appears somewhat confusing but I'll try my best.

After the Annual General Meeting held each February and once the members have set the annual fees the bills are produced. Constitutionally you have until the end of March to pay unless you join the clubs direct debit scheme.

The most important point to remember is this :the period of time you are paying for is from December 1st to November 30th.
This is the financial and subscription year.
The confusion arises due to the fact you have until end March to pay or the 1st direct debit is taken on April 1st.

Remember it this way you are paying in arrears.If any member requires further explanation please call me at the office.

Thank you
Gerard Flannigan