Entering Casual Scores
Are you doing it correctly?
With the better weather (hopefully) on the way soon, here is a reminder of how to correctly enter scores into WHS for a casual (i.e. general score) round.

1. You must sign in before your round begins. This must be using the same method as you will use to post your score (i.e. bar computer, England Golf app, tell the proshop (for a paper card)).

2. Somebody else must keep your score (the marker) during your round.

3. You must enter your score into WHS after the round, whether the score is good or bad!

4  You can enter a score for 9 holes (front or back) or for 18.

5. All casual scores entered into WHS will be monitored by the handicap committee. This is to make sure it was signed in before the round and the score entered after the round.

6. Any problems or questions then please don’t hesitate to contact us on handicaps@arscottgolfclub.co.uk or catch one of us at the club. We will be very happy to help you.
Regards the Handicap Committee