New Club Website
Redesigned Website Now Live!
The new club website and members hub have now been up and running for well over a month. At least 300 members have logged on and now have full access to the members hub. This area is bespoke to each member and if you have yet to log on, I would urge you to do so soon to make best use of thus club facility. The instructions on how to do this can be found in the members area of the club's public site

If you have problems accessing the members area, feel free to pop in and see Lee who will help you gain access. You do need an up to date username and password for 'HowDidiDo' to do this.

For those that have gained access, please visit the privacy settings in the 'account' drop menu of the hub area. Once there, please ensure you have ticked the boxes 'e mail and mobile' and click save before leaving the page - doing this will mean fellow members can email you direct to arrange matches, roll ups and other social gatherings.

As it stands, the public website has three further editors other than Lee and I. These are David Thatcher (club magazine) Sasha French (Seniors) and Colin Pendray (Social). Feel free to contact these members if you wish to have something published that might be relevant to the pages they manage.

Our website is held and technically maintained by Club Systems who manage other systems at the club. We are one the few clubs that are in their Beta (development) program and as such, we should continue to see improvements to the site as we move forward.

Lee is making more use of the diary and the course guide should follow soon. Scrolling images of the club on the home page is the most recent change.

As previously, any comments or suggestion on where things might be improved are welcome.