RPGC Automated External Defibrilator
Renishaw Park Golf Club has invested in a new AED. The potentially life saving equipment is now in service.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Located at Renishaw Park Golf Club

Important information. Please take the time to read it could save a life!

Renishaw Park Golf Club is pleased to announce our investment in an AED for the benefit of our members. AED’s make a huge difference to the survival rates of heart attack victims. Over 95% of heart attacks on golf course are fatal. The survival rates are greatly increased with an AED on site available for use in the critical first few minutes.

Please familiarise yourself with the appropriate steps to be taken in the unfortunate event of a heart attack on the course which are outlined below.

AED’s are automatic, they assess the casualty and provide the appropriate shock if necessary and give step by step audible instruction. Anyone can use them they are designed to be fool proof!

To illustrate the ease of use there is a link to a video below of the exact model we have (Heartsine Samaritan PAD 360P) to demonstrate how to use. There is also a link to a demonstration video of Basic life support.

Please note that in this situation the casualty, probably your friend is dead. That is the reality of the situation you cannot make things worse. Any action you take can only help the casualty and it could save their life. Please take action to help.

In the Event of a Collapse: -

Make sure it is safe to approach the casualty.

If there is no sign of breathing phone the emergency services.

Instruct someone to collect the AED from the halfway hut location and return with it as quickly as possible. It is stored in a secure box and the pass code is C159X

If you are at one of the far ends of the golf course telephone the professional’s shop. Instruction can then be sent to a member of the greens team to bring the AED by motor propelled vehicle. This may be quicker and save valuable time.

Commence basic life support straight away. (See the demonstration video on the links provided it really is simple).

Use the AED as soon as it is available. (See the demonstration video using the link provided, again it really is simple).

Continue basic life support as instructed until Paramedics arrive.

If there is more than one person with the casualty alternate giving basic life support every few minutes to avoid exhaustion. Work as a team.

Use of the Heartsine Samaritan PAD 360P AED can be found here.


Demonstration of Basic life Support can be found here


Thank you for reading and taking the time to watch the short demonstrations.

Richard Mitchell

Finance and planning Chair