Coronavirus Statement
From Nene Golf and Nene Park Golf Club
You will already be fully aware of the current advice issued by the government and their health advisers -

We wanted to provide a personal update where we currently stand with operations at the golf courses. We like everyone are looking at the best way to ensure some normality is maintained while mitigating the risk of contracting the virus and containing the spread.

We will focus on ensuring best cleaning practices and preventing physical contact ensuring we, as golfers and golf course staff, are as safe as is practicably possible. Ultimately we are all individually responsible for our hygiene and the contact we are comfortable with. Please respect other people's right to not shake hands on greeting or at the end of play if they choose not to, this will be out of respect not disrespect.

The golf courses will hopefully provide a distraction in the coming months and we will do our best to ensure smooth operations.

All casual and competitive play will currently continue as normal. The only change you will notice is that we will temporarily stop using the PSi for signing in for competitions.

Thank you for your co-operation and stay safe.

Simon Fitton - Nene Golf
Chris Naylor - Nene Park Golf Club