Sweeper and Card Top Ups via Members hub
Sweeper and Card Top Ups via Members hub
Winners for last week, Cards will be topped up with winnings before the end of the week.
Lots of members missing out on some prizes, thanks to the people who entered.

18th July. Pot £82

0-13 net handicap £41

1st Tyler Ogston £20.50
2nd Darren Ross £13.53
3rd Gary Stewart £6.97

14-28 net handicap £41

1st George Wallace £20.50
2nd Dennis Mair £13.53
3rd Stephen Hanratty £6.97


Members with access to the Club v1 members hub app can now top up club bar/sweeper funds from the card menu.

Access Club v1 members hub
Go into the three lines top right under NBGC.
Go to card
Pick Bar.
Click top up this purse and follow instructions

Anyone not set up for members hub can you please give us your email details to add to our club v1 systems membership database. email us on niggbay@hotmail.co.uk

We need to get everyone's email, house addresses and phone numbers going forward with this. You can also use the hub and update your own details or add additional information. Please do this as it helps us keep in touch with upcoming events

Best of luck for the medal tomorrow.