Social Distancing Update
The latest measures
Dear Members,

Covid-19 restrictions continue to affect us here at Wyke Green and as always your co-operation is required and appreciated.

As of tomorrow there are a few minor changes at Wyke Green. These changes have been summarised and advised as per the English Golf Union below.

Clubs/facilities must display an official NHS QR Code for track and trace (This will be in place from Thursday Morning and is in addition to our paper based track and trace data collection)

Face coverings must be worn by staff, golfers and visitors in all public areas except when seated in bars and restaurants.

Clubhouses must close by 10.00pm

Food and beverage must be table service or take-away

We will continue to do all we can to reduce the effect of these restrictions on your enjoyment whilst at the club. However, we must continue to all be understanding, responsible and patient as we ride out this dreadful pandemic.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Good Golfing