Bookings advice
Bookings advice

When booking times tomorrow, please organise amongst yourselves who is designated to get your groups time and the names you are using when filling slots.

Feedback was that multiple people are using the same people at the same time to fill slots. So say there are 8 of you for 2 times and 3-4 are trying to do a booking they are using the same names for booking the other slots off and it is locking out these slots and not allowing either group to add the names.

So tomorrow make sure you have your 2, 3 or 4 names sorted out and a nominated person doing the booking for your time so when you are adding them they are not involved in getting another time at the same time.

Please search your player partners using surname. and not forename.

People without a handicap can't be added into a timeslot at the moment. They will look into this further.
No visitors can be added either as this is club times.
Fill all slots required as these can be taken by anyone looking for a game.

If anyone needs a slot booked off that has not got a handicap but playing partner has secured a time email and we can do that if the space is still free. once we get to the emails.

Enjoy your golf!