Result of Mens Stableford Final
Due to a technical issue with the Club V1 System for reporting of the divisions in the Stableford Final, the Competitions Committee have had to disable the leader board and the publishing of the result online for the Mens Stableford Final. Therefore they have manually posted the result on the notice board in the men's changing room. This will be the same when we report and publish the results of the future Medal and Rosebowl Finals for 2021.

Stableford Final Result:
Division A
Craig Ewan 37 points
D McCue 35 points
I Fawcett 33 points

Division B
D Gowland 39 points BB9
S Robson 39 points
M Smith 38 points

Division C
P J Doherty 42 points
P Harris 37 points BB9
C Dodds 37 points