Course Improvements - Trees
Dear Alfreton Golf Club Members,

We hope this letter finds you well and you are looking forward to the upcoming season. We are writing to inform you about an important course maintenance project that is currently in progress: the selective thinning of trees.

We understand that our members deeply appreciate the natural beauty of our course, and we want to assure you that this decision has been made after careful consideration. The primary goal of this project is to enhance both the playability of the course and the overall health of our tree population.

Why We Are Thinning Trees?

1. Improved Turf Health: Reducing tree density allows more sunlight and air circulation to reach the turf, promoting stronger grass growth and reducing disease pressure. This provides better turf conditions in shaded areas.

2. Enhanced Playability: Strategic tree removal will restore some of the original design intent, improving sight lines and shot options for golfers of all skill levels. It will also increase the pace of play.

3. Tree Health: Thinning helps reduce competition among trees for light, nutrients and water, allowing the remaining trees to thrive and develop stronger root systems. Environmentally stronger individual trees provides a more diverse ecosystem, improved habitat for wildlife, including birds and insects

4. Safety: Removing weak or diseased trees reduces the risk of falling branches or trees during storms, ensuring a safer environment for our members and staff. Ash die-back is factor for us, many of our larger trees are affected. Careful monitoring is taking place before removal; - as some Ash trees are showing resilience against the disease. This is the current government advice.

5. Maintenance. Easier course maintenance for cutting grass in wooded areas, less leaf generation in the autumn. All of which allow for savings on equipment wear, fuel and most importantly greenkeeper time.

We assure you that this process will be carried out with the utmost care and respect to the Course. The committee will continue to ensure that the character and challenges of each hole are maintained or enhanced. We appreciate your understanding and support as we undertake this important project to improve our golf course for years to come. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the greens committee.

Thank you for your continued membership and passion for our club.

Best regards,
Greens Committee
Alfreton Golf Club